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Our skilled team grow your business.

Welcome to MyLegacy Web Services! We are a skilled team specializing in responsive web design, development, and digital solutions. Our goal is to develop your business by creating unique web and mobile applications that makes your audience get the best impression about you. With a passion for high-energy art and beautiful finished printed materials, we provide comprehensive services tailored to your needs. At MyLegacy, we stay at the forefront of technology to ensure your online presence is cutting-edge. As web technocrats, we excel in improving your website and optimizing your online marketing efforts. From creative content writing and digital marketing consultation to web design, development, and SEO, our experts deliver unparalleled quality across the web. Trust our professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication to help you achieve your goals. Let us empower your online presence and drive your success in the digital landscape. Contact MyLegacy Web Services today and experience the transformative power of our services.

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Our Services


IOS and Android Apps Design and Development

MyLegacy Web Services takes pride in its exceptional team of skilled iPhone and android developers, whose vast experience enables them to craft...

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Responsive Web Development and Design

The concept of responsive web design, as its name implies, demonstrates adaptability in response to the user's viewport, device, or platform. The...

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Free Website Support & Maintenance

Rest assured, concerns regarding website support and maintenance shall cease to occupy your thoughts. At MyLegacy Web Services, we...

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO/SEM)

Is your website struggling to attract organic traffic? Despite having all the necessary components in place, are you finding yourself without visitors...

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QA / Software Testing

MyLegacy takes pride in offering comprehensive QA software testing services to esteemed clients worldwide. Leveraging state-of-the-art...

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Ecommerce Solutions

Extensive research substantiates a remarkable upsurge of up tp 250% in business prospects through the integration of credit card payment...

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    Customer Experiences

    Real Client Stories

    Sara Albert

    They designed our logo and website in a way that conveys our message loud and clear. Their marketing strategies are top-notch. Their creativity and values are what sets them apart.

    James Millard

    I am really happy with service. When I have a question they answer it at once, they have more than an outstanding customer service. I would say that My Legacy Web Services people are very professional.

    Richerd William

    We are really satisfied with the mock-ups created by My Legacy Web Services. They just changed the look of our website and logo and provided us with a better perspective. Highly recommended.

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